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About Peter Leech

Peter Leech is a photographer and digital artist with decades of experience. From working in a cold loft darkroom he now works entirely digitally. Using Photoshop and a range of specific editing software and filters, he now produces digital fine art images. 

Living in South Wales, UK, Peter does a lot of work in the charitable and Third sector. Most of his career has been working with young people and others in communities suffering social and financial disadvantage. He is currently Mentor Ambassador for a national charity working to help people aged 55 and over to set up enterprises or to get back into employment. 

Peter's main area of interest in terms of his art work is in abstract imagery. He has also worked on several projects taking past masters as a starting point for bringing a modern twist to their original style.




To view the photographic images produced by Peter, please feel free to visit our sister website :- Bonvilston Photography

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